
Artificial Tree Technology Could Save The Planet

Artificial trees, in its proposed form, has the potential to save the Earth from an impending disaster that is due in the form of aggressive climate change. Expecting the output of greenhouse gases by humans would decrease is more of a Utopian dream floated by politicians to calm down people.

Plants are an interesting device of nature to study. The process of capturing sunlight, storing it and transforming it to a digestible energy source, known as photosynthesis, has been the subject of many interesting studies. Synthesis, in general, means the process of combining simpler elements to form complex outputs.

With that in perspective, let’s look at an up-and-coming solution proposed by scientists all over the world to solve the global warming phenomenon and supplement the fuel thirst of the world. Scientists and researchers are working on creating artificial trees, or devices, that can suck in carbon dioxide at a much faster pace than the foliage covering the earth. While the logic behind it is sound, the technology in itself is at a very early stage. 

The justification behind this line of research is simple. To bring the carbon dioxide levels down to a justified rate, every square meter of land would have to covered with large trees. And even then, with rate of carbon dioxide humans release a day, it would be a mammoth task to scrub the Earth clean. This is where artificial trees come in. 

Artificial trees can be placed anywhere in the cities and can be designed to suck in more carbon dioxide than an average tree can while lasting much longer. The difference in opinion comes in what we do with the captured greenhouse gases. The Global Research Technologies, LLC proposes to store this gas and sell it out to other industries that have use for them, like oil drilling, soda making and greenhouses. The added advantage, they say, is that while these industries have to ship in their supply from distant suppliers, their technology could be placed right where there is a requirement.

Some researchers from Boston and UK beg to differ in this area. They believe they can achieve artificial photosynthesis from these ‘trees’ and use these gases and sunlight to produce a manmade energy source or fuel for the future. While these studies and researches are underway, a major problem they face is the lack of funding. 

Artificial trees, in its proposed form, has the potential to save the Earth from an impending disaster that is due in the form of aggressive climate change. Expecting the output of greenhouse gases by humans would decrease is more of a Utopian dream floated by politicians to calm down people. But, researchers behind projects like these do provide hope that all is not lost yet for humanity on Earth.

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